Mac What Apps Are Signed
At WWDC 2019 Apple announced that Mac apps distributed outside of the Mac App Store would have to be notarized by Apple to run by default on macOS Catalina. The rules were temporarily adjusted in September, but now Apple says these apps have to be notarized by February 3, 2020.
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App Notarization
A series of tutorials. This is the first part in a three-part series of tutorials on sandboxing, signing, notarizing, and and distributing macOS apps outside of the Mac App Store. In this tutorial, we’ll build a non-sandboxed app, talk about certificates, sign the app, notarize it, briefly talk about building an installer, sign and notarize the installer, and finally cover distribution.
The process of notarization means that Mac developers submit their apps to Apple to make sure they’re safe to install. Notarized apps will pass through macOS Gatekeeper, which checks for malware by making sure apps outside of the Mac App Store have a Developer ID certificate.
If you haven’t yet done so, upload your software to the notary service and review the developer log for warnings. These warnings will become errors starting February 3 and must be fixed in order to have your software notarized. Software notarized before February 3 will continue to run by default on macOS Catalina.
Mac What Apps Are Signed 2017
As a reminder, all installer packages must be signed since they may contain executable code. Disk images do not need to be signed, although signing them can help your users verify their contents.
Further Reading
[With Notarization, Apple Moves to Greatly Reduce Malware on Macs]
[macOS Security Will Never Stop Us From Running Software of Our Choice]
Gatekeeper on macOS helps protect users from downloading and installing malicious software by checking for a Developer ID certificate from apps distributed outside the Mac App Store. Make sure to sign any apps, plug-ins, or installer packages that you distribute to let Gatekeeper know they’re safe to install. And now, you can give users even more confidence in your apps running on macOS Mojave by submitting them to Apple to be notarized.
Prepare for Distribution
A Developer ID certificate lets Gatekeeper verify that you’re a trusted developer when a user opens your app, plug-in, or installer package downloaded from outside the Mac App Store. Software signed with a Developer ID certificate can also take advantage of advanced capabilities such as CloudKit and Apple Push Notifications.
Generate your Developer ID certificate.
You can generate your Developer ID certificate in Xcode or in the Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles section of your developer account. Please note that you must be the Account Holder of your development team in the Apple Developer Program.
Sign and test your app.
Enable the hardened runtime capability and declare entitlements for the functions your app requires in Xcode. Archive your app and test the end-user experience of launching your Developer ID-signed app using a Gatekeeper-enabled Mac.
To build your apps for macOS and submit them to be notarized by Apple, use Xcode 10 or later, available from the Mac App Store.
Get Your Software Notarized
Mac What Apps Are Signed Free
Give users even more confidence in your software by submitting it to Apple to be notarized. The service automatically scans your Developer ID-signed software and performs security checks. When it’s ready to export for distribution, a ticket is attached to your software to let Gatekeeper know it’s been notarized.
For step-by-step details on uploading your Mac software to be notarized, read Notarizing Your App Before Distribution and the Xcode Help Guide.
Submitting with Xcode
Unpublished Software. It’s easy to get unpublished software notarized with the Export process or xcodebuild. Custom build workflows are supported by the xcrun altool command line tool for uploading, and you can use xcrun stapler to attach the ticket to the package.
Published Software. To submit software you’ve already published, upload it using the xcrun altool command line tool. Several file types are supported, including .zip, .pkg, and .dmg, so you can upload the same package you already distribute to users.
Mac What Apps Are Signed Made
Viewing Upload Logs
Kindle for apple mac. In addition to checking for malicious software, the notary service catches common code signing problems that can prevent your software from installing properly. If notarization fails for your upload, check the status log for details.
Upcoming Requirements
When users on macOS Mojave 10.14 or later first open a notarized app, installer package, or disk image, they’ll see a more streamlined Gatekeeper dialog and have confidence that it is not known malware.
Mac apps, installer packages, and kernel extensions that are signed with Developer ID must also be notarized by Apple in order to run by default on macOS Catalina.