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Mac App Add Calendar To Bar

consbutapi1981 2020. 9. 22. 04:47

Dec 20, 2016 To create a new event in the Calendar app using the Touch Bar, you'll first need to double-click the Calendar app to start a new event. From there, the Touch Bar can be used to select a number of different tools. Tap the calendar in the far left of the Touch Bar to change which calendar you want to create the event for. InstaCal is an affordable, yet powerful Mac calendar app that puts all your events and reminders right at your fingertips. Always available in your Mac menu bar, InstaCal is quick and convenient and can be opened at any time with configurable keyboard shortcuts.

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Calendar User Guide

Create separate calendars for different areas of your life—work, home, school, and so on. Each calendar has its own color. When viewing multiple calendars, you can see which calendar each event belongs to based on its color. To change an event’s color, move the event to a different calendar or change the calendar’s color.

Add a calendar

  1. In the Calendar app on your Mac, choose File > New Calendar, then choose an account for the calendar.

  2. Name the calendar, then press Return.

If you can’t add a calendar for a particular calendar account, try adding a calendar on the account provider’s website. For example, to create a Google calendar, go to google.com.

Add Calendar To Web Page

Delete a calendar

  1. In the Calendar app on your Mac, click the calendar’s name in the calendar list.

    If you don’t see the calendar list on the left, choose View > Show Calendar List.

  2. Choose Edit > Delete.

    Some calendars can’t be deleted.

    • You can’t delete delegated calendars, but you can stop showing them in the main Calendar window. See Share calendar accounts.

    • If you can’t delete a calendar for a particular calendar account, try deleting the calendar on the account provider’s website. For example, to delete a Google calendar, go to google.com.

    • If a calendar account has only one calendar (not counting other people’s calendars you’re sharing), you can’t delete that last calendar.


Add a calendar group

You can create calendar groups in the On My Mac section of the calendar list.

  1. In the Calendar app on your Mac, select a calendar in the On My Mac section of the calendar list.

    If you don’t see the calendar list on the left, choose View > Show Calendar List.

    If you don’t see an On My Mac section in the calendar list, your calendars are in an account (such as iCloud).

  2. Choose File > New Calendar Group.

To add another calendar to a group, drag it onto the group name. To remove a calendar from a group, drag it to the On My Mac heading in the calendar list.

Menu Bar Apps Mac

See alsoAdd or delete calendar accounts on MacAdd, modify, or delete events in Calendar on MacChange a calendar’s name or color on MacShow or hide a calendar on MacIf you deleted iCloud calendars or events from Mac